Kritter Shack Wildlife Rehab

Kritter Shack Wildlife Rehab is a 501c3 non-profit started by Jason and Wendy and is located in Kings Mountain NC. Its primary purpose is to rehabilitate injured and/or orphaned deer and squirrels (sometimes other Kritters as well) for release back into their natural habitat. 

Wildlife rehabilitators are volunteers who are trained and licensed by the State of North Carolina to rehabilitate wild animals until they can be released back into their natural habitat. Rehabilitators dedicate a considerable amount of their time and money to care for orphaned and injured wildlife. Before contacting a rehabilitator, be sure the animal truly needs assistance. In most cases, a wild animal has the best chance of survival when it is not taken into human care. Often the best way you can help a wild animal is to leave it alone.

As a knowledgeable, caring wildlife rehabilitation center, Kritter Shack Wildlife Rehab is dedicated to providing the needed, thoughtful and credible rehabilitation for orphaned wildlife so that they have a chance to successfully grow and thrive. All done with the ultimate goal of reintegration into their natural habitat.

EIN# 88-1337564

Go to North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results ( and search for "Kritter Shack" for verification of Non-Profit status.

To donate and/or purchase Kritter Shack merchandise please click below!

Kritter Shack Wildlife Rehab – Laurens Tees